Epidemiological profile of sepsis in a high-complexity hospital in northwest Paraná
Epidemiology. Hospitalization. Mortality. Sepsis.Abstract
Background and Objectives: Sepsis constitutes a major cause of global morbidity and mortality with exorbitant costs. It is necessary to relate the patients’ sociodemographic profile with sepsis diagnosis in order to understand the specific characteristics and outcomes and to provide information for the development of clinical protocols that positively impact prognoses. Methods: This cross-sectional, retrospective, and quantitative study with a documentary research collected data from January to December 2023. Data were analyzed on R (version R-4.3.0) with inferential statistics and association testing. The Fisher’s exact test was used to assess variable relationships, with a 5% significance level. Results: Of the total 320 records, 76.6% (n=245) of patients died and 23.4% (n=75) were discharged. Patients aged over 60 years had a higher risk of infection and unfavorable outcomes. Regarding infection site, death was related to pulmonary (60.4%) and abdominal infections (13.1%). The analysis of the correlation between length of stay and mortality showed a higher incidence of unfavorable outcomes within the first seven days (40.0%). Conclusion: This study showed the relationship between sociodemographic profile and outcomes related to sepsis and septic shock in line with the Brazilian context and adding information that enables the development of a sepsis management protocol to reduce mortality.
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