Adverse events in Neopediatric Intensive Care Unit


  • Carolina Barbosa Silva Enfermeira da UTI Neonatal/Pediátrica do Hospital Santa Cruz (HSC)- Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Deisi Gomes da Silva Enfermeira Materno/Infantil do Hospital Santa Cruz (HSC)- Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Larissa Luft Carvalho Enfermeira Residente no Programa de Residência Multiprofissional do Hospital Santa Cruz (HSC)- Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Cássia da Luz Goulart Bolsista de Iniciação Científica e acadêmica do curso de Fisioterapia da UNISC, Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Andréa Lúcia Gonçalves da Silva Professora Dr. do curso de Fisioterapia da UNISC, Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul
  • Daniela Angri Fisioterapeuta Residente no Programa de Residência Multiprofissional do Hospital Santa Cruz (HSC)- Santa Cruz do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul



Background and Objectives: Technological advances enabled the creation of new specialties in health and great evolution of medical and nursing care. This study aims to analyze adverse events (AEs) in aneopediatric Intensive Care Unit as related to the these patients’ vulnerability. Methods: cross-sectional study conducted through an active search for records of Neonatal/Pediatric Nursing Intensive Care Unit at a teaching hospital from Santa Cruz do Sul, in 2014. The data collection was performed daily through the medical records where we collected the month and number of hospitalizations, the age of the neonate (in weeks) or pediatric (in years) and the AEs of each patient. Results: During the period from January to December 2014, 190 newborns were hospitalized at the Neonatal / Pediatric ICU, of which the stay rate was 0.52 patients / day; 73 AEs occurred mainly in the months of January and June, both with 10 cases (13.7%). The most frequent type of AEs is the loss of PICC 18 occurrences (25%), as well as Phlebitis with 12 occurrences (16%). Conclusion: We found a high rate of AEs, with IPCC and phlebitis being the most prevalent in the Neonatal / Pediatric ICU.


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How to Cite

Silva, C. B., da Silva, D. G., Carvalho, L. L., Goulart, C. da L., da Silva, A. L. G., & Angri, D. (2017). Adverse events in Neopediatric Intensive Care Unit. Revista De Epidemiologia E Controle De Infecção, 7(4), 241-245.

