Health care of persons with disabilities in public health services: a literature study


  • Sheila Cristina Vargas Prefeitura Municipal de Cruz Alta. Avenida Venâncio Aires - de 0557/558 a 1684/1685 Centro
  • Robson Resende Dutra Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC
  • Luis Filipe Haesbaert Barcelos Hospital São Vicente de Paulo Cruz Alta–HSVP
  • Lia Gonçalves Possuelo Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC
  • Suzane Beatriz Frantz Krug Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul – UNISC



Background and Objectives: Health care for people with disabilities (PwD) must be guaranteed by the state, health professionals and community involved, covering a multidisciplinary approach. This study aims to discuss the assistance to persons with disabilities in public health services. Method: This is a literature review of the descriptive study type with scientific publications on search sites Scielo, LILACS and Pubmed from descriptors: accessibility, people with disabilities, access to health services, totaling 514 articles, which fall under 22 the themes addressed. Results: Accessibility is a result of the availability of professionals and health services as well as access of Persons with Disabilities these services offered. We need planning actions by the multidisciplinary team, in order to seek to minimize the front inequalities behavioral barriers, architectural, geographical, which form gaps that prevent an egalitarian, unanimous and universal care as recommended by the health system. In oral health the principle of comprehensiveness includes the promotion, recovery and oral rehabilitation. Conclusion: Health promotion activities need to be encouraged so that it promotes the welfare of the health service user and that such actions occur in an integrated manner, adding resources from the comprehensive and multidisciplinary work. Accessibility to health services in conjunction with actions aimed at promoting the health of PwD can provide higher quality in health care and higher quality of life.


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How to Cite

Vargas, S. C., Resende Dutra, R., Haesbaert Barcelos, L. F., Possuelo, L. G., & Frantz Krug, S. B. (2016). Health care of persons with disabilities in public health services: a literature study. Revista De Epidemiologia E Controle De Infecção, 1(1), 224-234.