Perception of effects of auricular acupuncture on stress in receptionists of a hospital complex




Background and Objectives: The stress is a reaction of organism that involves physical and psychological components and can tease changes in homeostasis of human body. This survey has intent to know the possible benefits of acupuncture on stress reduction, with the objective to evaluate the perceptions on levels of stress before and after eight weeks of an intervention of auricular acupuncture in receptionists of complex hospital. Methods: Participated in these study 24 receptionists of four units of a complex hospital situated in a municipality from the interior of São Paulo estate, which had an intervention in eight weeks with auricular acupuncture. To evaluate the perception of stress, they wrote their impressions about stress during the weekly meetings in order to change the needles. Results: According to the perception of most of the majority, the auricular acupuncture demonstrated benefits and changes in the way to deal with stressful situations day by day. They realized themselves calmer, with emotional control, presenting reduction of premenstrual syndrome symptoms and physical and mental well-being; however, for three participants the auricular acupuncture demonstrated few or none difference in reduction of stress. Conclusion: The auricular acupuncture intervention in this study demonstrate benefits on the reduction levels of stress, evidenced changes, not only in reduction stress, as also the perception of health in general.


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Author Biographies

Alessandra Faleiros Silveira, Universidade de Franca - UNIFRAN

Fisioterapeuta. Mestre pelo PPG em Promoção da Saúde da Universidade de Franca

Vitória Regina de Morais Cardoso Rodrigues, UNIVERSIDADE DE FRANCA

Fisioterapeuta. Doutoranda pelo PPG em Promoção da Saúde da Universidade de Franca.

Luciana de Araújo Mendes Silva, UNIVERSIDADE DE FRANCA

Bióloga. Doutoranda pelo PPG em Promoção da Saúde da Universidade de Franca.

Cléria Maria Lobo Bittar, UNIVERSIDADE DE FRANCA

Psicóloga. Docente do Programa de Pós graduação em Promoção da Saúde da Universidade de Franca



How to Cite

Silveira, A. F., Rodrigues, V. R. de M. C., Silva, L. de A. M., & Bittar, C. . M. L. (2018). Perception of effects of auricular acupuncture on stress in receptionists of a hospital complex. Revista De Epidemiologia E Controle De Infecção, 8(1), 78-82.

