Brief Guidance Program for Baby Caregivers: Assessment and Formulation
Preventive Programs. Caregiver Interaction – Baby. Shaken Baby SyndromeAbstract
Currently, the programs of Promotion and Prevention have gained space in the health area. One of these programs is Care-Well, created and carried out at a public university in Paraná-Brazil, which works with parents and caregivers of babies through the psychotherapy of topics such as childpositive interaction, child development, treatment and Vaulted Baby Syndrome SBS). This article sought to describe two moments of the program: its formulation and the evaluation of the results of its implementation, so its method, results and discussion present these two moments. The methodology used was qualitative and quantitative, of the exploratory type with intervention, pilot test and evaluation. The results show that, regarding the formulation of the program, this was done in stages. Some of examples of facilities of this process access to participants and difficulties the need to look for different short guidance formats. Regarding the evaluation, it was observed that the participants obtained an increase in the knowledge of the topics treated in the program, since the reports show an increase of the knowledge, especially in the subject SBS. The conclusion evidentiates that in the formulation and execution of prevention and promotion programs, the theoretical and technical support, as well as the sequence of steps suggested by the literature of the area that helps in its better organization, are fundamental, it is also concluded that The phase is because it allows additions to the characteristics of the program. Finally, through this report of experience, it is evident the possibility of carrying out university extension initiatives scientifically.Downloads
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