Possible Roads Between Ethics and Existential Phenomenological Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy, Existential phenomenology, Ethic, Martin HeideggerAbstract
The present work discusses two themes of the psychological clinic: ethics and psychotherapeutic practice. At the same time, these themes are accompanied by human impasses in the face of demands for adequacy and objectivity. Ethically human beings organize their lives prior to the consolidation of ethics as a discipline and the legitimacy of it in the professional codes of conduct of different sciences. However, everyday ethics reaches different meanings to rules and duties; it is on these senses that this work has been devoted. Particularly, in the psychotherapeutic model inspired by the Existential Phenomenology, ethics was exposed through the ways of being of the human in the coexistence with the impasses proper to existence. Thus, the psychotherapeutic work was highlighted in the invitation to update the exercises of thinking and feeling about the ways in which human beings inhabit the world. The method supports the existential phenomenological psychotherapy in that it inspires the path in this work that is to be attentive to show understanding of everyday experience, especially in the sensitization of professionals and clients on the relations established between reason and feelings (affections) destabilizing the absolute certainties and anticipatory beliefs regarding the way we organize ourselves. Methodologically, we choose some directions by adopting the description of events as research content, associating this understanding-interpretation as combined actions in order to allow the opening of meanings to the experiences announced by the client. The psychotherapist / client encounter and the way the psychotherapeutic experience was conducted are ethical expressions from a perspective that encourages the opening of possibilities as to the being-with of the man in his daily life.Downloads
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