Social Representations and Affirmative Actions: University Students and Their Positions
Quotas, Social representations, Attitudinal field.Abstract
Affirmative action policies have assumed many forms in different countries, but have almost always caused debates and raised diverse positions in society. In Brazil, this type of policy is mainly marked by quota system or vacancies reservation in competitions and selective processes for certain minorities. This work fits within social psychology, focusing on the theoretical field of social representations. Its purpose is to understand how the social thinking of quota and non-quota students is related to the quota system for admission to university. In order to achieve this purpose, a questionnaire was used, which contained questions in a free evocation format with the term "quotas" and questions in the form of Likert items in order to ascertain the position of the subjects in relation to different types of quotas. This instrument was applied to 135 students of State University of Rio de Janeiro, among them 63 are quotaholders and 72 are non-quota holders. The analyzes of these data were made through the techniques of prototypical analysis and similitude analysis. The results show a accentuated difference of the social representations and the affective field when comparing the two groups, which may justify the emergence of diverse and contradictory arguments about quotas in society.Downloads
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