The Family in the New Parenting. A Rhizomatic Thinking




Families, Parenting, Rizoma.


In this paper we perform some points about the implications of working and researching with families and parenting in the current geopolitical scene. They are reflections from the university teaching of a Social Psychology in Uruguay. We try to problematize what is meant by family and to that end we take some lines of meaning of the word to focus the analysis. One of them is to think of it as an institution in its game of conservation and change, based on socio-historical contexts. Another approach to analysis is the articulation that occurs in the contemporaneity between family and new parenting, understanding the concept of parenthood as an analyzer of time. Next, we refer to the place that the family acquires in the speeches of the anti-gender movements, which attack the rights conquered and proclaim the return to the traditional family. In that sense we ask ourselves about the threats that arise in the new family compositions and the production of alternative subjectivity to the capitalist logic. As a closure, a rhizomatic thinking is proposed that takes into account the connection between family and politics as well as an intersectional analysis of the inequalities present in families. The intention is to deepen the connections between the construction of the collective and the common in the new parenting. As well as the ethical-political challenge for Latin American public universities, so that they are spaces of free thought production and situated in current debates.


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Author Biography

Cecilia Marotta Mendez, Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay

Profesora Adjunta del Instituto de Psicologia Social. Facultad de Psicología - UDELAR. Magister en Atencion a la Salud en el Primer Nivel. Facutad de Enfermería - UDELAR. Doctoranda del Programa de Doctorado en Psicologia. Facultad de Psicología - UDELAR. Becaria de Posgrado de la Agencia Nacional de Investigacion e Innovación (ANII)


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How to Cite

Marotta Mendez, C. (2019). The Family in the New Parenting. A Rhizomatic Thinking. PSI UNISC, 3(2), 7-16.



Thematic Dossier: Parenting, Gender, and Sexual Diversity