Discourses of Violence Against Women LBT: Invisibility and Silencing
Violence, Women LGB, Discourse analysis.Abstract
The violence against women, even when it’s fought daily through laws and militances, is still very present in Brazilian society, producing in different ways and reaching all groups of women. This research aimed to understand the discourses on violence against lesbian, bisexual, transvestite and transgender women, understanding that they are at particular risk of violence, because, in addition to suffering from gender inequality prevailing in society, they escape from the cis-heteronormative pattern. The work starts from the theoretical-methodological perspective of Michel Pêcheux’s discourse analysis (1995). As a corpus, testimonials were collected online, through a post in a group on Facebook. The violence described is takes place in the public and private spaces, in a more or less explicit way. The violence as an effect is anchored in a conservative discursive formation that takes the heteronormative pattern as a rule. The analysis also pointed to the difficulty of naming the situations of violence experienced, as well as a policy of silence imposed in relation to the condition of women LBT.Downloads
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