Institutional Intervention in Youth and Adult Education: an Experience Report
Youth and adult education, Institutional Psychology, Institutional overtime.Abstract
The present work is an experience report, developed from an extension project carried out with a group of ten coordinators of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) in a municipality of the metropolitan region of Florianópolis (SC-Brazil), during the years 2016 and 2017. It was referenced in authors such as Lourau (1995; 2004), Lapassade (1983), Guirado (2004) and Machado and Sayão (2017). The intervention had as methodological device the Institutional Service (Plantão Institucional) (Lerner, Fonseca & Machado, 2014). It was held on a team meeting day with the Nucleus coordinators and was held once a month, with about three or four meetings per semester. The number of meetings varied due to the demands and specific situations that occurred during the course of the work. The activities were carried out at the Psychological Attention Service of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (SAPSI) and lasted from one hour and a half to two hours and had an average of six to eight coordinators per meeting. The results identified that the coordinators placed themselves in a place of protagonism in relation to the EJA as a pedagogical and formative device, being taken as responsible for the implementation and accomplishment of its objectives. They encountered, however, many times with organizational and pedagogical difficulties while carrying out the work. Overproduction emerged as a resource to deal with these difficulties, through engagement and militancy.The present work is an experience report, developed from an extension project carried out with a group of ten coordinators of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) in a municipality of the metropolitan region of Florianópolis (SC-Brazil), during the years 2016 and 2017. It was referenced in authors such as Lourau (1995; 2004), Lapassade (1983), Guirado (2004) and Machado and Sayão (2017). The intervention had as methodological device the Institutional Service (Plantão Institucional) (Lerner, Fonseca & Machado, 2014). It was held on a team meeting day with the Nucleus coordinators and was held once a month, with about three or four meetings per semester. The number of meetings varied due to the demands and specific situations that occurred during the course of the work. The activities were carried out at the Psychological Attention Service of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (SAPSI) and lasted from one hour and a half to two hours and had an average of six to eight coordinators per meeting. The results identified that the coordinators placed themselves in a place of protagonism in relation to the EJA as a pedagogical and formative device, being taken as responsible for the implementation and accomplishment of its objectives. They encountered, however, many times with organizational and pedagogical difficulties while carrying out the work. Overproduction emerged as a resource to deal with these difficulties, through engagement and militancy.Downloads
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