A Report of Psychosocial Care to the Family of the Accused of Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse, Family, Psychosocial care, Experience report.Abstract
The experience of sexual abuse accusations reverberates in the lives of the victims and the family, causing, for example, social withdrawal and embarrassment. However, little attention is given to the accused’s family. Considering that, this article aimed at reporting an experience part of the internship project “Support and Strengthening of Family Bonds”, in which psychosocial care was provided to Mrs. A (37 years old), wife of an accused of sexual abuse. A total of 25 individual meeting weekly were conducted lasting approximately 60 minutes each. Initially, issues related to the accusation were addressed; however, other topics emerged throughout the meetings. Hence, the meetings were divided into the following thematic blocks: (a) rapport and demand understanding; (b) interpersonal issues after the accusation; (c) strengthening of bonds; (d) personal beliefs and identity; and (e) personal empowerment. The issues raised by the client were similar to those found in the literature regarding victims of sexual abuse family members, including feelings of social isolation and embarrassment. The accusation of child sexual abuse against the husband had a profound impact on several spheres of the client’s life. We conclude that qualified listening and psychosocial care are essential. We underscore the importance of systemically understanding the contexts and relationships in which not only the victims and the accused of violence are inserted but also their families. We call attention to the importance of social support and the strengthening of family ties in the process of coping with the abuse accusation, as well as the importance of professional support.The experience of sexual abuse accusations reverberates in the lives of the victims and the family, causing, for example, social withdrawal and embarrassment. However, little attention is given to the accused’s family. Considering that, this article aimed at reporting an experience part of the internship project “Support and Strengthening of Family Bonds”, in which psychosocial care was provided to Mrs. A (37 years old), wife of an accused of sexual abuse. A total of 25 individual meeting weekly were conducted lasting approximately 60 minutes each. Initially, issues related to the accusation were addressed; however, other topics emerged throughout the meetings. Hence, the meetings were divided into the following thematic blocks: (a) rapport and demand understanding; (b) interpersonal issues after the accusation; (c) strengthening of bonds; (d) personal beliefs and identity; and (e) personal empowerment. The issues raised by the client were similar to those found in the literature regarding victims of sexual abuse family members, including feelings of social isolation and embarrassment. The accusation of child sexual abuse against the husband had a profound impact on several spheres of the client’s life. We conclude that qualified listening and psychosocial care are essential. We underscore the importance of systemically understanding the contexts and relationships in which not only the victims and the accused of violence are inserted but also their families. We call attention to the importance of social support and the strengthening of family ties in the process of coping with the abuse accusation, as well as the importance of professional support.Downloads
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