Discussing Practices Criminalization of Social Movements: an Analysis Documentary
Criminalization, Social Movements, Citizenship, Biopower, Foucault.Abstract
This work had as the goal an analysis of a bibliographic survey and review about “Criminalization of Social Movements”. Were used to analyze dissertations found about this subject in the database of the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), in 2013. For undertaking analysis of the dissertations were used the clues left by the work undertaken by Michel Foucault through his archaeological and genealogical tools of analysis provided us with the possibility of a critique and questioning of discursive practices (knowledge) and non-discursive (power and subjectivity) that cross and make the studies analyzed, guided by the vision of a discontinuous history that triggers events in its uniqueness. We note that the series of jagged dissertations bring to the media, the judiciary, the police and government as key elements of a practice of criminalization of social movements, not forgetting to point resistance promoted by these groups against this process.This work had as the goal an analysis of a bibliographic survey and review about “Criminalization of Social Movements”. Were used to analyze dissertations found about this subject in the database of the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), in 2013. For undertaking analysis of the dissertations were used the clues left by the work undertaken by Michel Foucault through his archaeological and genealogical tools of analysis provided us with the possibility of a critique and questioning of discursive practices (knowledge) and non-discursive (power and subjectivity) that cross and make the studies analyzed, guided by the vision of a discontinuous history that triggers events in its uniqueness. We note that the series of jagged dissertations bring to the media, the judiciary, the police and government as key elements of a practice of criminalization of social movements, not forgetting to point resistance promoted by these groups against this process.Downloads
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