Major depressive disorder: different possibilities for treatment-resistant patients
Major depressive disorder, Treatments, Cognitive behavioral therapy.Abstract
Major depressive disorder is currently considered a public health issue due to the high prevalence rate in the general population. Often, this disorder is neither diagnosed nor treated, causing relevant impacts in all spheres of the individual's life. In order to analyze what has been discussed on the subject, a narrative review was carried out about the different resources involved in the treatment of major depressive disorder for resistant patients. The results found indicated that depression is easily confused with other pathologies precisely because of the physical symptoms presented by the patients. The stigma surrounding mental health is also an aggravating factor for treatment. Through this review, it was possible to verify that although there are promising and efficient medical treatments, such as electroconvulsive therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation, they are not accessible to the entire population, since there is no investment for those procedures in the Unified Health System. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy combined with the use of drugs stands out in relation to other types of available resources, mainly in aspects that involve quality of life and functionality.Major depressive disorder is currently considered a public health issue due to the high prevalence rate in the general population. Often, this disorder is neither diagnosed nor treated, causing relevant impacts in all spheres of the individual's life. In order to analyze what has been discussed on the subject, a narrative review was carried out about the different resources involved in the treatment of major depressive disorder for resistant patients. The results found indicated that depression is easily confused with other pathologies precisely because of the physical symptoms presented by the patients. The stigma surrounding mental health is also an aggravating factor for treatment. Through this review, it was possible to verify that although there are promising and efficient medical treatments, such as electroconvulsive therapy and transcranial magnetic stimulation, they are not accessible to the entire population, since there is no investment for those procedures in the Unified Health System. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy combined with the use of drugs stands out in relation to other types of available resources, mainly in aspects that involve quality of life and functionality.Downloads
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