Epistemology of oneself: Are we in cages?
Epistemology of oneself, Psychology class, Critical awarenessAbstract
This paper presents the conception of epistemology of oneself, understood as an identification of scientific assumptions that we hold internalized and our motivations. The task of epistemology of oneself is to objectify the subjectivity of oneself, bring to the level of consciousness what is within us as a paradigm and precept of truth. The method presents pedagogical resources used in a psychology class, through an action-emotion-word movement with the slogan “what is needed, first of all, to think outside the box?” The method of analysis is that of content analysis. What emerges from the students refers to an availability and interest of critical awareness. However, such an arrangement, in a today's classroom - that reminds us a 100-year-old classroom - doesn't become an act. The question arises if the current methods used by the educational sciences are responding to the challenges of society.
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