Teaching and learning in Social Psychology in emergency remote education





Social Psychology, Educational technology, Teaching methods, Social equality, Pandemic.


The pandemic of the new coronavirus, given the need for social distance, brought the challenge of Emergency Remote Education to universities. The purpose of this article is to reflect on the experiences built over a semester in the discipline of Social Psychology, in the remote mode of teaching. Inspired by the engaged pedagogy of bell hooks, we reflected on three teachings from this experience: the pandemic is not democratic - the denial of the right to education; understanding the ERE and the limits of the lecture - conversation and sharing stories; and collaborative online learning, the learning community and critical thinking. We emphasize that the use of digital information and communication technologies enabled the construction of significant learning, but we have as challenges the appropriation of these more participatory methodologies in the face-to-face model and the monitoring and inclusion of students who, for various reasons, were unable to link to the remote semester. Probably the difficulties experienced by these students already existed, but the social, cultural and economic conditions that support social inequalities have become more visible with the pandemic, and this should make us aware when we return to classes in person.The pandemic of the new coronavirus, given the need for social distance, brought the challenge of Emergency Remote Education to universities. The purpose of this article is to reflect on the experiences built over a semester in the discipline of Social Psychology, in the remote mode of teaching. Inspired by the engaged pedagogy of bell hooks, we reflected on three teachings from this experience: the pandemic is not democratic - the denial of the right to education; understanding the ERE and the limits of the lecture - conversation and sharing stories; and collaborative online learning, the learning community and critical thinking. We emphasize that the use of digital information and communication technologies enabled the construction of significant learning, but we have as challenges the appropriation of these more participatory methodologies in the face-to-face model and the monitoring and inclusion of students who, for various reasons, were unable to link to the remote semester. Probably the difficulties experienced by these students already existed, but the social, cultural and economic conditions that support social inequalities have become more visible with the pandemic, and this should make us aware when we return to classes in person.


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Author Biography

Moises Romanini, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Psicólogo, graduado pela UFSM; Doutor em Psicologia Social e Institucional (UFRGS); Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Psicologia Social e Institucional da UFRGS; Atua na coordenação conjunta do Grupo de Pesquisa-Intervenção em Saúde Mental, Políticas Públicas e Cuidado em Rede (INTERVIRES/UFRGS).


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How to Cite

Romanini, M. (2021). Teaching and learning in Social Psychology in emergency remote education. PSI UNISC, 5(2), 109-124. https://doi.org/10.17058/psiunisc.v5i2.16224