Modernization, social and psychosocial risks




Social risks, Psychosocial risks, Self Expression Values, Grief


The modernization process experienced, mainly in the last two decades of the last century and in the initial decades of the 21st century, presents some social and psychosocial risks that are phenomena resulting from this process. There are attempts to minimize them in different ways, but not all coun-tries have managed to effectively minimize the pre-modern risks, called “visible” and the “invisible” risks that are closely linked to the development of technology generating challenges. There are views on contemporary cultural patterns that point in different directions: either of self-expression values, or of a feeling of mourning. The objective of the present study is to identify whether there are effects on the values of self-expression and the feeling of mourning as cultural developments to contempo-rary modernization, which are not opposites, but complementary. To this end, a theoretical review and empirical testing were carried out on the relationship between social and psychosocial risks - based on the work of Beck (2010) - and the feeling of mourning - identified in the work of Zizek (2010) -, and a quantitative analysis based on data from the seventh round (2017/2020) of the World Values Survey, for the empirical testing of self-expression and survival values identified by Inglehart and Wezel (2009). The hypothesis is that such values, of self-expression and survival, culturally mate-rialize the dichotomy between risks and grief, especially in a changing world and that there is great oscillation between optimistic and pessimistic perspectives on the effects of modernization. The world has been going through profound technological, economic and social changes that can be measured quantitatively, in indices and indicators of human and social development, but also in the formation of values. The modernization of the last few centuries has brought relief to vast sections of the population, but it has also brought hopelessness and fear. Fear has already been related to survival values, but it can also be, as a feeling of mourning, related to the values of self-expression, a kind of fatigue that people are having with all this appeal for happiness, self-help, security and comfort.


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Author Biographies

Silvana Regina Ampessan Marcon, Fundação Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Área do Conhecimento de Humanidade

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia

Mestrado Profissional

João Ignacio Pires Lucas, Fundação Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Área de Humanidades

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia

Mestrado Profissional


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How to Cite

Marcon, S. R. A., & Lucas, J. I. P. (2022). Modernization, social and psychosocial risks. PSI UNISC, 6(1), 110-124.


