The Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS) cross-cultural adaptation in a brazilian elderly sample
Elderly, Forgiveness, Transcultural adaptationAbstract
The Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS) is an instrument that measures personal willingness to forgive in relation to others, yourself and situations that are beyond anyone's control. The present study aimed to translate and cross-culturally adapt HFS for the elderly Brazilian population. For this study, the method was divided into stages: conceptual definitions and literature review; translation and synthesis of translations; backtranslation; expert analysis; pilot study and preparation of the final version of the instrument; first psychometric analyzes of the final version of the instrument. In the translation, backtranslation and expert analysis stages, four translators and two specialist psychologists participated. The pilot study, on the other hand, included the participation of 32 elderly people. The instruments used were: socio-demographic data sheet and the HFS. From this study, although in an initial character, it can be concluded that HFS is translated into Brazilian Portuguese and adapted cross-culturally for the elderly Brazilian population. Therefore, it is able to be applied to a larger sample so it’s possible to carry on psychometric analysis of its validation. Other cultures instrument adaptation on this theme are necessary for the Brazilian reality due to the scarcity of instruments about forgiveness, especially in the elderly population. In the future, it can also contribute to the development of intervention techniques and the creation of strategies aimed at preventing and promoting the health of the elderly.
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