Cinderella: Implications of the maternal function in the Ego maturation processes
Fairy tales, Cinderella, Maternal function, Maturation of the Ego, WinnicottAbstract
The good enough mother refers to that figure capable of interpreting and adapting to the baby's needs, supporting him physiologically and affectively, which provides an opportunity to establish a favorable environment for the Ego maturation processes. Fairy tales are universal narratives that contribute to the elaboration of internal conflicts, in order to connect the stories to their own experience. In this context, the objective of this study is to identify the possible implications of the maternal function in the processes of Ego maturation, based on the fairy tale Cinderella. This research is qualitative, with an exploratory and explanatory character, whose technique for analyzing the findings is content analysis. The results show that the role of the mother figure is crucial for the subject to be able to tolerate frustration; to reach the symbolic world; to acquire independence, Ego integration and development of the true self. In line, the findings show that fairy tales are configured as a possible resource for the projection of the child, as well as of their mother figure, which provides opportunities for the elaboration of conflicts. Through this work, the contributions of the use of fairy tale and its influence on children's emotional development are identified. In this sense, the use of this work can benefit in social sphere, the scientific areas, in particular, psychology and education.
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