Be an investor: financial platforms, gamification and subjectivity production
Subjectivity, Gamification, Digital platforms, FinancializationAbstract
Analyzes have been related the increased socioeconomic inequality, within the context of neoliberal capitalism, to the process of financialization. Considering its importance to draw diagnoses of the present, we developed research that aims to know modes of subjectivation connected to what we call the financialization dispositive, constituted by heterogeneous elements; in this article, we focus on digital financial platforms that encourage the practice of investing. We used the cartography method, paying attention to lines of enunciation and visibility (knowledge), strength (power) and subjectivation in the analysis of websites and applications of seven institutions (Robinhood, Warren, C6 Bank, Banco Inter, Rico, Itaú/íon and Nubank /NuInvest), whose formatting and operation refer to gamification. We found that elements related to certain dynamics, mechanics and game components are strategically composed to produce an investor subject. Narratives present the platforms as partners that simplify everything to provide opportunities for everyone, even with little money (R$ 30,00), to start a journey into the world of investments, a way to prosper and make dreams come true. Tips and articles, in a short format, serve as challenges for clients to explore and insert themselves more in this market. Emotions are mobilized, such as fun – through playful design and approach to forms of entertainment –, fearlessness and empowerment – with sayings like “#NoFearOf TheStockMarket” and the paradoxical “we fight complexity to empower people” –, to assign relaxation and safety to the practice. We discuss the production of subjects installed in the “shallows of knowledge-power”, the normalization and depoliticization of this practice, and we open questions about the strategic signification of inviting everyone to belong, identify themselves and, thus, support any gains in this market.
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