Mental health of women, maternity and career: a literature review
mental health, work, motherhoodAbstract
The numerous labor achievements of women in the world of work, ensured by the guarantee of their labor rights and the expansion of their scope of action in the labor market, are a strong portrayal of the sociocultural and economic transformations of gender relations regarding the social roles historically constructed for women. If, on the one hand, such achievements represent significant labor advances, on the other hand, they renew the debate on women's mental health in confronting traditional gender roles and the reconciliation between motherhood and career. With a greater presence in the labor market, the challenges of reconciling career and motherhood are increasingly present in the lives of mothers. One of the greatest challenges highlighted is mental health in the new routine after the arrival of the first child. The objective of this article is to analyze the scientific production of studies on the mental health of women who seek to reconcile motherhood and career. Searches were conducted in the Capes and BVS-Saúde databases and 76 articles were found, of which 03 were selected based on the established criteria. From the analysis of the findings, four points were highlighted: the naturalization of gender roles that make women solely responsible for individually creating strategies to manage the numerous maternal and work demands; the relevance of the support network for promoting self-care; the need to observe the different social and economic contexts that impact the creation of support networks; and the belief that conciliation is something that can be achieved, but not without conflicts.
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