Flood experiences: children's play and creativity with screens
social network, extreme weather, play, child development, digital technologyAbstract
Social networks have become important platforms for sharing personal experiences during challenging events. Caregivers often use these platforms to post videos of their children, including content created by the children themselves as part of virtual play. However, the sharing of children's experiences on social media, particularly during extreme weather events, still requires further investigation, especially as regards its potential to inform responses to future crises. This study analyzed, through netnography on the Instagram and TikTok platforms, the experiences of children shared by their guardians during the 2024 floods in southern Brazil. Nine videos were examined using reflective thematic analysis. The results showed the centrality of play, including with screens, and the importance of toys as symbols of home in children's experiences. There were also expressions of gratitude from the children for the donations received, highlighting the role of social support in times of crisis. The children took an active role in the videos, creatively adapting the style of digital influencers to promote solidarity actions. Although the videos gave visibility to children's experiences, they raise questions about children's exposure on social networks and their right to privacy, reinforcing the responsibility of digital safety on the part of their caregivers. The conclusion is that screens can be an ally in stimulating creative play, and it is essential to provide conditions for both online and offline play, especially in the context of extreme weather events.
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