About the Journal

Focus and Scope


Refexão e Ação is a channel for discussion of the contemporary issues in the educational area, comprehended in its historicity and complexity. Therefore, it constitutes itself as an instrument of dissemination of the scientific production of researchers in general and from the educational and correlated areas, which together, make up a mediation process between the action and the reflection of the educational and pedagogical praxis. For this purpose, it counts with the contribution of educators and researchers linked to institutions with national and international visibility.

Ever since its very beginning, the journal editorial line was mostly an expression of the educational mediations of the Education Department of the university. That can be explained by the most focused general themes, like teacher´s training and popular education. As the publications got more qualified, and now conceived by the Post-Graduation in Education program, the thematic universe of Reflexão e Ação is broadened, contemplating the Master´s course research lines, which have as the main focuses: Education, Labor and Emancipation; Identity and Difference in Education; and, Learning, Technologies and Languages in Education.

Through this editorial line, linked to the human and social science area and more specifically to education, Reflexão e Ação establishes itself as a channel of visibility and reinforcement to the bonds which created new knowledge among the universities and by society as a whole.
Reflexão e Ação does not charge authors any fees for the submission, evaluation or publication of articles.

Peer Review Process

The articles received are first reviewed by the editorial committee and, if they respect the standards for publication and are aligned with the themes of interest, they follow to a double-blind review process in which the identity of both the reviewer and the author are hidden from both parties.

Reflexão e Ação adopts the practice of "evaluation through reports ad hoc", in which each article is submitted to at least two (2) evaluators. These evaluators will have the period of three (3) weeks to send the evaluations, having the possibility of extending for one (1) week more, as long as the evaluator expresses such desire.

The evaluators´ recommendations (recruiting) is done by the journal editors, PhD professors from the Education or correlated areas, following the criteria of theme affinity, observed through the works and researches registered, as well as any other experiences in their Plataforma Lattes (resumés).

The result of the evaluation of the referees can be presented in four ways:
(1) Accepted article;
(2) Revisions required;
(3) Resubmit for review;
(4) Declined article.

If there are divergent opinions, the articles will be sent to a third partner.

The journal Reflexão e Ação does not charge the authors any fees for the submission, evaluation and publication of articles.

Publication Frequency

Reflexão e Ação is a quarterly publication of the Education Department and the Post-Graduation in Education program - Master´s and doctorate courses from the university Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - RS.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to all its contents, in accordance to the principle that making available scientific knowledge to the public freely, allows a greater world democratization of knowledge.

DOI - Digital Object Identifier

The DOI is a pattern for the identification of documents in digital networks. Composed by numbers and letters, it´s assigned to a digital object so it will be identified in a unique and persistent way on the Web environment. All texts published in RECI receive a valid DOI.

ORCID - Open Researcher and Contributor ID

Due to the importance of identifying the authors with greater accuracy, the journal Reflexão e Ação asks for the authors to include the ORCID in his/her metadata at the moment they submit the manuscripts.

This identifier individualizes the researcher, distinguishing one from the other whilst it avoids problems, such as ambiguities on the entries and spellings of the same name. Another important characteristic is that ORCID is unrestricted and allows the exchange of metadata.

By using ORCID ID, the researchers are connected with their activities, research results, publications and affiliations.


This journal utilizes the Rede Cariniana system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent archives of the journal for the preservation and restoration. Read more...

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Journal's Database

Reflexão e Ação is indexed in the following databases:

1. DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals - www.doaj.org

2. Diadorim - Diretório de políticas editoriais das revistas científicas brasileiras - diadorim.ibict.br

3. Crossref - search.crossref.org/

4. Edubase - http://portal.edubase.modalbox.com.br/

5. IRESIE - Índice de Revistas de Educación Superior e Investigatión Educativa - http://iisue/www/seccion/bd_iresie/

6. Latindex - www.latindex.org

7. Google Acadêmico - https://scholar.google.com.br

8. Educ@ - http://educa.fcc.org.br/

9. Sumários.Org - www.sumarios.org


1. Portal.periodicos.Capes - www-periodicos-capes-gov-br

2. LivRe - www.cnen.gov.br

3. OEI - Organização de Estados Ibero-americanos - https://www.oei.es

4. CCN - Catálogo Coletivo Nacional - http://ccn.ibict.br/busca.jsf

5. BBE - Bibliografia Brasileira de Educação (INEP/MEC) - http://pergamum.inep.gov.br

Guidelines for ethical conduct


Mentioning the authors in scientific papers ensures that credit is given to the appropriate researchers, those responsible for the study. The intentional absence of representing the relationship of a scientist with his work is considered a failure on ethical conduct, which undermines the reliability of the study.

It is not allowed to mention names of authors who have not contributed to the paper, including guest authors with the purpose of increasing chances of publication;
It is not allowed to submit papers for publication without the author’s permission; Participant authors, whether in writing, data collection or having any other contribution to the research, should be mentioned in the specific section in order to avoid "ghost authorships".


One of the most common types of ethical conduct failure is plagiarism – when an author intentionally uses other scientists’ studies without permission, credit or knowing. There are different types of plagiarism, from literal copy to the paraphrase of another author’s writing.
Literal copy of excerpts is only permitted if the reference source is cited in the text with quotation marks, attending the standards for publication;
It is not allowed substantial copy from research materials, processes, tables, and equipment;
If the paper contains the essence of another paper, it should be properly referenced;
Paraphrasing is only allowed if the reference source is cited and it does not change the meaning intended by the original author;
Text recycling is not allowed.
The articles submitted to RECI go through the verification of possible plagiarism through Plagius - Plagiarism Detector software.


Fraud in research means to publish data or conclusions that were not generated by experiments or observations, but by invention or data manipulation.
Authors may be required to send raw data related to the research for editorial review. Consequently, all data must be stored for a while after publication;
Images can only be manipulated in order to improve clarity;
None specific feature of image should be improved, darkened, moved, removed or introduced;
Adjustments to brightness, contrast or color are acceptable provided they do not cloud or eliminate any original information.


Whenever researchers, authors, reviewers or editors have personal/financial interest or belief that may affect their objectivity or influence their actions inappropriately, there is a conflict of interest. Such relationships are also known as dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties.
When submitting a paper, one should explicitly declare whether there are potential conflicts of interest or not, either with research participants, either with agencies that provided resources for the research;
This information must be indicated in the manuscript on a notification page. In case there are extensive details about the possibility of conflict, a document in form of a letter should be sent as a supplementary document, through the SEER system (Electronic Journal Publishing System).


Authors must make sure their papers are based on original research and have never been published before. Submitting or re-submitting papers for intentional duplicate publication is considered ethical misconduct in publishing.
Avoid submitting the same paper for more than one journal at a time;
Even if the paper is under review process, one should wait for the reply before submitting it to other journals;
Avoid submitting papers, which have already been published in a journal, to be considered by another journal;
Avoid submitting papers that describe different but essentially the same research to different journals;
Inform about any previous paper submission (including presentations, summaries and outcomes or records postings) so that a duplicate submission may be considered;
In case you want to publish the paper in a journal from another country or in another language, contact the editorial team;
Declare any details concerning to the publication in other languages or countries.