Freirian education through the lenses of anticolonialism, post-colonial, and decolonial studies
Freirean Critical Pedagogy, Postcolonial and Decolonial Criticism, Decolonial PedagogyAbstract
This text argues in favor of the perspective of education proposed by Paulo Freire, and suggests that his works must be reviewed through the postcolonial and decolonial criticism point of view, having as a target the idea of human emancipation, based on collective projects of reality transformation. regarding the social justice field. For this, it seeks to make an approximation between the Freirian theoretical perspective and postcolonial and decolonial criticism based on the emphasis of Libertarian Education and the proposal of a [de]decolonial Pedagogy. It is a theoretical study, in which we adopt as Freire's conceptual field and critical pedagogy.
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