Visuality and Visibility in educational practices: (per)courses for the critical understanding of images
Visuality, Visibility, Critic understanding, Arts teaching, Contemporaneity, ExperienceAbstract
Nowadays, it has become impossible to disregard functions assumed by images (delight, entertain, commercialize), correlated with changes regarding ways of perceiving the dimensions of time and space, in which identity issues are embedded. This article aims at the importance of art / educational propositions in order to provide experiences that lead to significant experiences by promoting reflections on the visibility regimes present in our society, expanding potentialities for a broader and more contextualized visualization. Thus, we emphasize the consumption, in which the critical understanding of visualities was contemplated. In this way, the objective was to investigate which aspects of the visuality that crosses the imaginary of consumption become common in the speeches of sixth-semester Pedagogy students. This research used visual methodologies in human science research as a way to broaden the experience field. The results show that students establish relationships between visual culture and their own experiences. wondering about its relevance in the creation of paradigms that interfere with their teaching practice.
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