The pedagogy of Competences in Brazil and Mexico

The global versus the local from the Decolonial Theory




Pedagogy of Competencies, Global x Local, Educational Reforms, Decolonial Theory, Comparative Education


The Pedagogy of Competencies (PC) is part of changes arising from Educational Reforms justified by the need to adapt Education to contemporaneity. The objective of the research was to compare and contrast the tensions between global and local in the PC, both in Brazil and in Mexico, using the Decolonial Theory as a prism. Data were generated through bibliographic and documental analysis. In the comparison and contrast between Brazil and Mexico, a Pedagogy of Competencies that molds Education to a technicist format, focused on marketing issues, can be seen.


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Author Biographies

Bárbara Macedo, Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB)

Doutoranda em Educação pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE) na Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), onde também cursou o Mestrado em Educação, ambos na linha de pesquisa de Educação, Cultura e Dinâmicas Sociais. Finalizou a dissertação com o título: A pedagogia das competências no Brasil e no México: a tensão entre o global x local a partir da teoria decolonial (2013 a 2019) - com apoio/bolsa do Fumdes Fundo de Apoio à Manutenção e ao Desenvolvimento da Educação Superior - UNIEDU. É graduada em Educação Física (Licenciatura e Bacharelado) pela Universidade da Região de Joinville (UNIVILLE). É também formada em Pedagogia pelo Centro Universitário Internacional (UNINTER) e atualmente está cursando Bacharelado em Serviço Social pela mesma instituição (UNINTER). É membro dos grupos de pesquisa: Filosofia e Educação - EDUCOGITANS; Vozes Livres - Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Gênero e Sexualidade e do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Políticas e Avaliação Educacional (GEPALE).Tem experiência em diversas áreas da Educação Física e da Pedagogia, atualmente trabalha como Administradora Escolar na rede Municipal de Ensino de Araquari. Ainda no percurso do Mestrado foi tutora no Programa de Educação Superior para o Desenvolvimento Regional (PROESDE) nos anos de 2020 e 2021. Tem experiência na área de Educação, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Educação Comparada, Epistemologia, América Latina e Caribe, Reformas Educacionais.

Professor Doctor, Regional University of Blumenau - FURB

He holds a PhD in Education and a Masters in Science and Technology Policy from the State University of Campinas, a postdoctoral degree in Education from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Professor at the Regional University of Blumenau (FURB), Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil. He has experience in the areas of Education, Epistemology, Agrarian Education, Comparative Education, Professional and Technological Education, Health, Regional Development and Environment. Ad-hoc consultant for periodicals and funding agencies. He is a Researcher at the Educogitans Group at FURB, the Paideia Group - Studies and Research in Philosophy, Education and Human Rights and the Study and Research Group in Educational Policy and Evaluation at the Faculty of Education at UNICAMP. He is one of the founders of the Iberoamerican Observatory of Comparative Studies in Education (OIECE) and was a researcher at the Sustainable Communities Research Group of the Masters and Doctorate in Environment and Regional Development at UESC. Participated in inter-institutional projects: Alfa PlanGIES - Planning and Management of HEIs: relationship between the university and the social environment for the promotion of sustainable regional development (European Union and Latin America), The Conceptual and Thematic Maps of EJA in Ibero-America (CNPq) and PRODUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION: impact of the postgraduate system in the south and southeast regions of Brazil on the training and production of masters and doctors who work in higher education institutions in the northeast region (FAPESP) and MERCOSUR projects "Dilemmas of new cultures of knowledge production. Postgraduate studies in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay in the context of the evaluation of quality in Higher Education" and of the international project "Dilemmas of new cultures of knowledge production. Postgraduate programs -distance graduation in Mercosur. Formats, regulations and accreditation" and the Iberoamerican Observatory of Comparative Studies in Education (OIECE). Physical Education, Nursing, Medicine, Biomedicine, Pharmacy, Administration, Exact and Natural Sciences, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Philosophy, Environment, Social Sciences, Computer Science, Information Systems, Engineering, Physiotherapy, Economics, Regional Development and Environment. Accounting, Nutrition, Fashion, Literature, Art, Social Work, Biology, Law, Communication, Advertising, Geography, Tourism, Gastronomy, Dance, Architecture, Design, Gastronomy, Dentistry, Geography, Mathematics and Journalism.




How to Cite

Macedo, B., & Ramos Lamar, A. . (2023). The pedagogy of Competences in Brazil and Mexico: The global versus the local from the Decolonial Theory. Reflexão E Ação, 31(1), 196-214.