Decoloniality and Case Studies

theoretical-methodological articulations


  • Ms. Gabriel Santana Federal University of Pernambuco
  • Profª Drª Patrícia Barbosa Pereira Federal University of Paraná
  • Profª Drª Alice Botler Federal University of Pernambuco



Case Study, Decoloniality, Coloniality of seeing


This article analyzes the relationship between case study and decoloniality in qualitative research in education, especially in the field of educational policies. It is a theoretical-bibliographical research that situates the case study as a theoretical and methodological paradigm. From the decolonial studies, the effects of coloniality on social differences in the production/legitimation of knowledge are presented.The role of observation in case studies and its potentiality of articulation with decoloniality is highlighted, focusing on the coloniality of seeing as a key concept to provoke an epistemological and methodological turning, potent in ethnographic observation as a case study strategy.


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Author Biographies

Ms. Gabriel Santana, Federal University of Pernambuco

PhD student in Education - Educational Policies, Planning and Management of Education - at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE); Master's degree in Education from the Federal University of Pernambuco; Trainer and collaborator of the Center for Studies in Education and Language (CEEL - UFPE), developing research in the area of educational management, especially with regard to school and community articulation; and comprehensive education; among professional experiences: in reading mediation practices and strategies; in pedagogical coordination and research in literary mappings and community libraries in the State of Pernambuco; pedagogical consulting in audiovisual production projects aimed at children; pedagogical consulting in projects of tactical urbanism for childhood; Co-founder of the Carnival Anarchic Block Pife Floyd. Former member of the Literature Sector Commission of Pernambuco. Former articulator of the Pernambuco Forum in Defense of Libraries, Reading and Book. Co-founder of REleitura - Networked Community Libraries.

Profª Drª Patrícia Barbosa Pereira, Federal University of Paraná

He holds a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences (Bachelor's and Bachelor's degree), master's and phD degrees in Scientific and Technological Education from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. She is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Paraná, linked to the Department of Theory and Teaching Practice - Education Sector, in which she works in undergraduate courses in Biological Sciences and Pedagogy. In this institution is also accredited in the Graduate Program in Education, in the line of Research "Culture, School and Formative Processes in Education", and in the Graduate Program in Science Education and Mathematics, in the lines "Teacher Training that teaches Science and Mathematics" and "Teaching and Learning Of Science and Mathematics". He has experience in Education, with emphasis on Science Education and his teaching/research, primarily in the following topics: Science and Language Teaching, Decolonial Studies and Interculturality in Science/Biology Teaching. Coordinates LIDEC - Laboratory of InterculturalIty Studies, Discourses and Decolonialities in Education. In recent years he has also dedicated himself to the initial and continuing training of science and/or biology teachers, participated in projects related to Youth and Adult Education, in addition to teaching these same disciplines, at the Middle and Elementary levels of education.

Profª Drª Alice Botler, Federal University of Pernambuco

He studied in Pedagogy (1986), master's degree in Education in the area of Policy and Educational Planning (1992), phD in Sociology from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2004). He developed comparative postdoctoral research at the Ontario Institute of Studies in Education at the University of Toronto (2009-2010), where he focused on school management and at-risk students in the Brazilian and Canadian educational systems. He did an internship at the Carlos Chagas Foundation (2016) and a senior postdoctoral fellow at the School of Education of USP with research on justice and fair school (2017-2018). Develops research along the line of Educational Policy and School Management with sociological-philosophical approach of collective school organization. He has experience in the areas of Education and Sociology, with emphasis on Management and Educational Planning, working mainly on the following topics: school management, ethics, justice and violence in education, training of managers and teaching pedagogy. She is a full professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco, linked to the Pedagogy Course and the Graduate Program in Education, having worked in the Coordination of the Pedagogy Course in the years 2006 and 2007 and in the coordination of the graduate program in education of UFPE from 2009 to 2011 and from 2020 to 2022. She is vice-coordinator of the Forum of Coordinators of Graduate Programs in Education - FORPRED Nacional. He is the leader of the Research Group Study of Educational Organizations. She was associate editor of the Brazilian Journal of Politics and Administration of Education - RBPAE from 2012 to 2015 and is a member of the Education Committee at CAPES from 2011 to 2020. Coordinated the Institutional Program of Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID) of UFPE/CAPES between 2013 and 2018. Works in network with REDISCO - Religions, discriminations et racisme en milieu scolaire of the University Lumière Lyon 2, France and REPLAG - Network of Studies and Research in Planning and Educational Management. He is a CNPq Pq 2 fellow.    



How to Cite

Santana, G., Barbosa Pereira, P. ., & Happ Botler, A. M. (2023). Decoloniality and Case Studies: theoretical-methodological articulations. Reflexão E Ação, 31(1), 215-231.