Education and Neocapitalism




Technocapitalism, Entrepreneurship, Platforms, Educational transformation


This article aims to reflect on aspects of today's society crossed by technocapitalism and its impact on education. The educational systems, born in the heat of modernity, from the entry of digital platforms and the reconversion of the world under neoliberal hegemony, began to suffer strong cracks within them and today show signs of their inevitable transformation. The article explores these edges of the contemporary world and tries to offer a general proposal for change in education, an exploration that in no way has the pretension of being complete or finished but simple strokes of a sketch whose definitive lines must be projected by those who want to appropriate them to give it their particular final touch.


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Author Biography

Antonio Nicolau, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Investigador en la Catedra: Alternativas Pedagógicas y Prospectivas Educativas para América Latina, Argentina. Secretario/Rectorado de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Magister en Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación (Universidad Nacional de La Plata). Diplomado universitario en Filosofía de la Liberación (Universidad Nacional de Jujuy). ESpecialista en nuevas infancias y juventudes (Universidad Nacional de La Plata).




How to Cite

Nicolau, A. (2022). Education and Neocapitalism. Reflexão E Ação, 30(3), 15-23.



Dossiê: Alternativas Pedagógicas e Prospectivas Educacionais na América Latina