Hábitos alimentares, Telenutrição, Avaliação nutricionalAbstract
Introduction: Due to all the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the need for the elaboration of teleconsultation protocols for the continuity of nutritional assistance was highlighted. Objective: To develop, validate and evaluate the effectiveness of the protocol for online nutritional counseling in improving dietary practices. Method: In order to develop the protocol, aspects of in-person care and the Protocol for Use of the Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population aimed at adults were considered. The development, discussion, adjustments and validation of the telenutrition protocol was carried out in meetings between experts and members of the research group, in which all items and stages were evaluated. A pilot study was also conducted, proposing an online nutritional program with two distinct groups: the multicomponent group - which received the protocol composed of multiple combined strategies, and the traditional group, which received only the nutrition teleconsultations. Effectiveness was assessed by evaluating the score of the dietary practices scale, applied at the beginning and at the end of the study. Results: The development of a telecare protocol in nutrition for nutritional monitoring of patients over a period of 12 weeks, as well as the 11 educational materials that accompany it. In addition, there was also accomplished the validation, which achieved maximum agreement of all items in the protocol. In the pilot study, before the intervention, the multicomponent group had an average score of 43 ± 13.2 points, and after the program, scored 54 ± 5.6 on the scale, indicating an improvement in dietary practices. The traditional group also improved after the follow-up, but to a lesser extent, progressing from 43.3 ± 8.6 to 50.8 ± 6.3 points. Conclusion: an effective teleconsultation protocol in nutrition was developed, which is a crucial tool in improving dietary habits, enabling the organization of care actions through telenutrition and contributing to health promotion.
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