Lipidis, Military Health, Occupational Health, Working WomenAbstract
Introduction: The work of air traffic controllers (ATC) has as one of its main characteristics the constant state of alert. The working conditions and environment can favor the appearance of health problems, including cardiovascular disease indicators. Objective: To verify the lipid profile of women, all active military personnel of the Brazilian Air Force, from 2013 to 2018. Methods: Retrospective study, with secondary data from 79 medical records. Data on age, body mass, height and lipid profile measurements were considered: total cholesterol (TC), Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c), High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) and triglyceride (TG). The body mass index (BMI) and the TC/HDL-c, LDL-c/HDL-c and TG/HDL-c ratios were calculated. Verification of normality was carried out and subsequently descriptive and inferential analysis considering significant values of p < 0.05. Results: 79 ATC were evaluated, 41 in 2013, 35 in 2014, 48 in 2015, 54 in 2016, 27 in 2017 and 24 in 2018. From 2015 onwards, most ATC are classified as overweight. Regarding the lipid profile, it was observed that, over the six years, most women have altered total cholesterol. Triglyceride values showed statistical difference over the years with a prevalence of inadequacy greater than 20%. Optimization of the relationship between total cholesterol, HDL-c and LDL-c concentrations was observed. As for the TG/HDL-c ratio, there was a significant difference between 2018 and the other years, and in 2018, more than 30% of the sample had a high ratio. Conclusion: The ATC showed excess body weight and negative changes in the lipid profile in the period considered. It is suggested to conduct studies with ATC that operate in different locations in Brazil to better outline the lipid profile of this group.
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