Monitoring market demands in relation to the advertising and propaganda course graduates: the first steps of a proposal




In view of the curricular adequacy of undergraduate courses in Advertising and Publicity (PP), based on guidelines set by the Conselho Nacional de Educação, the article presents a proposal for an instrument to monitor market demands in relation to the profile, skills and competencies of the PP graduate. In an empirical and theoretical exercise, it exposes the exploratory work done to understand the spaces that host advertising practices as a matrix for information gathering and mapping.


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Author Biographies

André Iribure Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Associate Professor at Fabico/UFRGS, graduated in Social Communication - advertising and propaganda, Master's and Doctorate in Communication and Information PPGCOM/UFRGS with doctorate-sandwich in PPGCOM/UFRJ. Secretary of Communication UFRGS 2016/2020, Coordinator Communication Alliance for Innovation - UFRGS/PUCRS/Unisinos - 2018/2020, Coordinator Communication Pacto Alegre - Alliance and PMPA since 2018, Head of the Department of Communication - 2009/2012, Vice-director 2012/2016 - Fabico-UFRGS. Research in the areas of history, gender, sexuality, strategic communication and advertising. Coordinator of the research Between Representations and LGBTQIA+ Repercussions: an analysis of advertising on broadcast TV and its unfolding in the Social Network - Fabico/UFRGS, CNPq support. Participant in the research Ciudades Imaginadas en la era digital Latinoamérica: POA Imaginada Digital.

Eduardo Zilles Borba, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Post-Doctorate in Electronic Engineering and Digital Systems from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP). PhD in Communication and Information Sciences from Fernando Pessoa University (UFP). Adjunct Professor in the Department of Communication at the School of Librarianship and Communication at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Fabico/UFRGS). Researcher at LIMC (PPGCOM/UFRGS), CITI (USP), 4C (ECA/USP), INCRIA (PPGDR/Faccat), CECLICO (UFP) and CLEPUL (UL).



How to Cite

Rodrigues, A. I., & Borba, E. Z. (2021). Monitoring market demands in relation to the advertising and propaganda course graduates: the first steps of a proposal . Rizoma, 9(2).


