The discourse of the media and the law: analysis of the sense effects on the Yanomami
Indigenous subject, Media, Right, DiscourseAbstract
In this article, we present an analysis of the journalistic discourse formulated in two articles, on the internet, that deal with the case of the Yanomami people in Brazil and the legal discourse materialized in the Statute of the Indigenous People. To do so, we adhere to the theoretical-methodological assumptions of Materialist Discourse Analysis, proposed by Michel Pêcheux, Eni Orlandi and their collaborators. As a corpus and analysis material, we used Law N. 6,001/1973, an article from Uol and an article from (G1). We believe that dealing with a theme like this is to make explicit the contradictions formulated in these discourses that sustain the imaginary of a natural indigenous person, not integrated into society, thus remaining excluded from society, “guarded” by the State in its way of giving meaning to them.