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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text is original and unpublished and is within the scope of the Journal.
  • The text is not being evaluated in other journals, even if in another language.
  • The text is structured according to the journal's technical standards for publication and formatting.
  • The file for submission are in .doc format (it can't exceed 10MB).
  • The text does not contain any information identifying the authors.
  • All coauthors were correctly added to the system.
  • The metadata must be correctly included in the system, not having any pending information in relation to the submission authors and other collaborators.
  • Add the DOI address in the references or articles in digital format, if there is one.
  • The author(s) must inform the ORCID registration in the submission metadata.
  • The Editorial Committee reserves the right not to publish articles that, even if selected, are not strictly in accordance with all the rules presented above.

Author Guidelines

The contributions should observe the following: 1 The contributions The contributions to be published by Signo must not have been published previously. (must be original and not being submitted simultaneously to other journals) 1.2 The contributions must be original and not being submitted simultaneously to other journals. 1.3 The blind peer review will be send to the authors. 1.4 The Editorial Board reserves the right to return original articles to the authors in case further revision regarding to the theme and/or formal order is needed. 1.5 The Editorial Board shall order formal, spelling and grammatical changes, made by expert reviewers. 1.6 The reviews submitted to Signo must discuss recently published books. In case of national publishers, books published in the last three years are considered recent. In case of foreign publishers, editors reserve the right to express their views on the relevance of the work/subject. 1.7 Articles should be between 8-20 pages, and reviews up to 3 pages. 1.8 The same author / co-author can submit only one article for each Journal´s edition. 1.9 The same author / co-author can submit only one article for each Journal´s edition.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.


Deseja enviar contribuições à revista? Convidamos todos a conferir a seção Sobre a Revista e ler as políticas de seão, bem como as Diretrizes para Autores. É necessário que os autores se cadastrem no sistema como leitores. Após, deve ser solicitado o papel de AUTOR para o e-mail Informe o login e e-mail utilizado no cadastro para que o envio de manuscritos seja liberado na respectiva conta.