The stops in the primary school: the role of the context in the occurrence of orthographic changes


  • Vergília Spiering Damé PUCRS
  • Giovana Ferreira Gonçalves UFPel



Orthographic changes. Stops. Linguistic context


The presence of orthographic changes in the primary school is a common stage and overlapping of revelations about how the child deals with the relationship between graphemes and phonological representations. In this way, we intend to observe the role of the context in the occurrence of with the stops consonants, since these are not the result of the complexity of the orthographic system. For that, we analyzed data from 47 participants enrolled in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th years of primary school, collected from a narrative, with spontaneous writing, and a list of 233 words, with the stops distributed in syllabic structure, position in the word, vocalic context and tonicity. The results reveal that most of the interchanges occur in the 3rd year and for labials stops. About the controlled contexts, it is verified that tonicity and position in the word have variable indices as to the predominance of interchanges depending on the stop; for the vowel context, the occurrence of exchanges seems to be favored by high vowels, as well as by the structure CCV.


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How to Cite

Damé, V. S., & Ferreira Gonçalves, G. (2018). The stops in the primary school: the role of the context in the occurrence of orthographic changes. Signo, 43(77), 32-42.



Processamento e aprendizagem de leitura e de escrita