Parameter Orientation in Libras: investigating metaphors and image schemas
Metaphor. Image Schemas.Libras.Abstract
Through a bibliographical and qualitative research, we analyze signs of the Brazilian Sign Language - Libras that have in their production metaphorical motivations based on image schemas. According to theoretical concepts of Cognitive Linguistics (ALMEIDA et al, 2009), we study the concepts of domain, Conceptual Metaphor Theory (LAKOFF, JOHNSON, 1980, KÖVECSES, 2006, EVANS, GREEN, 2006) and Image Schemas (LAKOFF; JOHNSON,1980; CUENCA; HILFERTY, 2007) and investigate linguistic-cognitive processes presented in the phonological pole of signs of the Libras (BRITO, 2010 [1995]; FARIA, 2003; QUADROS; KARNOPP, 2004; OLIVEIRA, 2011; FELIPE, 2013). Of the five phonological parameters traditionally studied in the research on Libras, we focused on the Orientation parameter in order to investigate how the variations in this parameter can contribute to the production of meaning. Thus, prototypical linguistic processes were studied in this parameter, for example, metaphor TIME IS CYCLE, image schema CYCLE; metaphors GOOD IS UP and BAD IS DOWN, image schema IMAGE SCHEME. Thus, this analysis contributes to reflection on the metalinguistic knowledge of Libras in the light of Cognitive Linguistics.Downloads
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