An analysis of intermediate degree of metaphoricity occurrences of the deictic “here” in multimodal data




Metaphoricity. Deixis. Here. Multimodality


The aim of this paper is to analyze two occurrences with an intermediate degree of prototipicality of the deictic “here” in multimodal data. These occurrences were extracted from the Distributed Little Red Hen Lab. From the theoretical point of view, we use the studies about Deixis in a cognitive perspective (MARMARIDOU, 2000), by anchoring, mostly, in the concept of Idealized Cognitive Models (LAKOFF, 1987,); Frames (FILLMORE, 1986 apud CIENKI, 2007); e Image Schemas (LAKOFF, 1987); (JOHNSON, 1987). Afterwards, we discuss about Gesture Modes of Representation (MÜLLER, 1998a, 1998b, 2014 apud CIENKI, 2017) and Pointing Gestures (KENDON, 2004). From the methodological point of view, we develop our analyses based on the Linguistic Annotation System for Gesture (LASG) (BRESSEM et al., 2013) and on the Metaphor Identification Guidelines for Gesture (MIG-G) (CIENKI, 2017). The results showed that the occurrences categorized as in intermediately prototypical refer to cases in which “here” is related to a broader locative context and have an in between iconic Mode of Representation between “Molding” and “Drawing”, as well as to cases in which the gesture performed can be categorized as being in between a Pointing Gesture and a Gesture Mode of Representation. In addition, we noticed that, regarding the Modes of Representation, it would be desirable that there be the Mode of Representation “Drawing” in 3D (not provided in original classification).


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Author Biography

Hayat Passos Ferraz Pinheiro, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia

Mestre em Linguística pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB). Graduada em Letras Modernas pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB).


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How to Cite

Pinheiro, H. P. F. (2019). An analysis of intermediate degree of metaphoricity occurrences of the deictic “here” in multimodal data. Signo, 44(79), 10-17.



Metáforas Multimodais