“Corrupt politician”: discourse, scenography, ethos


  • Maria Silvia Olivi Louzada




discurso político, mídia, ethos pré-discursivo, ethos discursivo


In the perspective of discourse analysis, it shall be though about the general process of the subjects’ adhesion to a discourse position. It is understood that ethos has a specific vocality that connects it to an enunciating source and also to the known as social stereotypes. The object of study is an interview made with a senator of PMDB, Jarbas Vasconcelos, published at the yellow pages of VEJA, on February 18th 2009, whose title is “The PMDB is corrupt”, by means of which we intend to investigate how the notions of scenography and ethos build the political identities at the mass media. In this sense, at the same time that the enunciator intends to show an image of integrity and of being against corruption, building itself as a correct ethos, it is recovered a national stereotype in respect to the Brazilian Politics’ corruption referred to a pre-discourse ethos from which it is kept away.


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How to Cite

Louzada, M. S. O. (2010). “Corrupt politician”: discourse, scenography, ethos. Signo, 35(59), 302-312. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v35i59.1423