Poetic in moviment: the presence of the body in voice in the Bob Dylan’s lyrics.
Bob Dylan, Lyricism, Body in voice, Wandering imagination, Wandering poeticsAbstract
This article investigates, in the lyrics of Bob Dylan's compositions, the record of a moving body in voice, driven by the background of the composer's biography. To this end, he begins by trying to understand the concept of the body in voice through Paul Zumthor's studies and whether there is a possibility of emerging from a lyric printed on paper, read as a poem, the lyrical repercussion of the singer. It also demonstrates from a phenomenological perspective in Bachelard that this body of voice, endowed with road experiences, can project paths in the imagination of the listener. To this end, the study selects five song lyrics from Dylan's work, recorded between 1962 and 1965, certifying thematic evidence and language mechanisms used by the composer, such as semantic travel topo vocabulary, analogies and metaphors, which can enable and prove a daydream of the walk in the receiver.
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