The BNCC and the guarantees of the right to information for the exercise of citizenship: central aspects for the implementation of media and information literacy in Brazilian schools


  • Nathalie Resende de Carvalho PUC Minas



Media and information literacy, BNCC, Education, Interfederative pact


In times of misinformation and fake news, media and information literacy has become a necessity for the establishment of democratic societies and guarantees of rights. In this sense, in order to comply with the guidelines proposed by the United Nations, the BNCC includes, in the Portuguese language component, the journalistic-media field of activity. The BNCC is a normative document that deals with learning at a national level. It presents skills and abilities that must be developed by students throughout Basic Education. Aiming to guarantee freedom of expression, the right to information and encouragement of citizenship, the document positions itself as a contributory element for the alignment of policies and actions that ensure integral human formation and the construction of a fair, democratic and inclusive society. Therefore, in this article, we seek to determine whether the normative nature of the document, proposed by the Interfederative Pact, provides for a systematic national policy for the implementation of media and information literacy that ensures equality and equity in access to school and learning. The results point to the majority of Brazilian schools that, in 2023, still do not have basic infrastructure to implement the LMI. Therefore, it was found that the right to information and the full exercise of citizenship are not guaranteed systematically in the BNCC, leading us to reflect on the interests that involved the process of creating and approving the document.


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How to Cite

Resende de Carvalho, N. (2024). The BNCC and the guarantees of the right to information for the exercise of citizenship: central aspects for the implementation of media and information literacy in Brazilian schools. Signo, 49(94), 116-129.



v. 49, n. 94, 2024 - Leitura comparada das mídias