The recategorization of the biblical discourse in the album Sobrevivendo no inferno, by Racionais MC’s


  • Évelyn Caseira Nunes Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG)



Significance, Recategorization, Object of Discourse, Racionais Mc’s


This text aims to present the dissertation project and ongoing research entitled “The recategorization of biblical discourse in the album Sobrevivendo no Inferno, by Racionais Mc’s”. In this sense, through the survey of theoretical sources arising from studies in (Socio)Cognitive Semantics and an initial analysis of the album as an object of research, we intend to present how the Brazilian rap group Racionais MC's use the recategorization process as cohesive mechanism, for constituting the object of discourse. In this way, the research proposes that the Racionais relocate the object of discourse of neo-pentecostal origin, with the purpose of serving the effects of meaning that they construct in the album, reflecting on life in the periphery and denouncing the genocide and mass incarceration of the black population.


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How to Cite

Caseira Nunes, Évelyn. (2024). The recategorization of the biblical discourse in the album Sobrevivendo no inferno, by Racionais MC’s. Signo, 49(94), 147-157.



v. 49, n. 94, 2024 - Leitura comparada das mídias