Violence, memories and affections in contemporary Argentine literature




Latin American literature, violence, affects, Camila Sosa Villada


The article begins by reflecting on the relationship between literature and Latin American violence based on a meme to highlight the need to contextualize each expression of violence on the continent. It stops, in a second moment, at the provisional proposal of three lines to think about the relationship between violence and Argentine literature of the 21st century. Finally, based on one of the proposed lines, the article advances the writing of Camila Sosa Villada and the specific analysis of her story "Cotita de la Encarnación".


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How to Cite

Fandiño, L. (2024). Violence, memories and affections in contemporary Argentine literature. Signo, 49(95), 86-96.



v. 49, n. 95, 2024 – Futuros em ancestralidade: linguagens, culturas e identidad