Fairy tales: from the classics to the contemporary





fairy tales, mechanical reproduction, modern values, literary genres


The article examines the historical transformations of fairy tales, from their oral roots to their institutionalization as a literary genre. Drawing on the theoretical perspectives of Jack Zipes, Walter Benjamin, and Leyla Perrone-Moisés, it discusses the impact of technical reproducibility and industrialization on the function and structure of fairy tales. The tension between tradition and adaptation to market demands is highlighted. Through Benjamin’s reflections, the text explores the dissolution of the "aura" and the conversion of fairy tales into products of mass culture, while Perrone-Moisés provides a critical analysis of the loss of aesthetic values in favor of ideological and commercial demands in contemporary times. The work Tales From Beyond the Rainbow (2022) by Pete Jordi Wood serves as an example of modern fairy tales, offering narratives that embrace ideological values of diversity and inclusion without erasing tradition. The article concludes that, even within a context of commodification, fairy tales continue to allow for critical subversions and aesthetic reinterpretations, revealing the political and transformative role of art as envisioned by Benjamin.


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Author Biography

Isabella Morelli Esteves, UERJ

Doutoranda e mestra em Literaturas de Língua Inglesa pela UERJ (2023) e bacharel em Letras - Inglês e Literaturas pela UERJ (2018). Pesquisa os temas de expressão autoral, feminismo e representação minoritária no gênero dos contos de fadas sob uma perspectiva da análise e criação de literatura. Atua de forma autônoma como escritora, redatora, social media e tradutora. Participa como pesquisadora do grupo de pesquisa KEW Kyklos de Estudos Woolfianos (UFSC) e Poéticas Identitárias (UERJ/CNPq).


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How to Cite

Morelli Esteves, I. (2025). Fairy tales: from the classics to the contemporary. Signo, 50(97), 127-141. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v50i97.20052