Audiovisual language as school practice


  • Simone Berle
  • Márcia Vilma Murillo



Educação da Infância – Linguagem Audiovisual – Experiência – Linguagens na Educação


This essay discusses the relationship between movies and school in order to thematize the audiovisual language and its implications in school practices. Even with access to audiovisual resources, cinema appears in school’s routine as pedagogical support since writing and reading languages are being reduced in the children’s school. In order to discuss the necessary plurality of experiences with languages, as a school practice, it search’s todialogue with Jorge Larrosa proposal: replace the duet theory/practice by the duet experience/sense to reflect about education with Paul Ricoeur conception of a person as a historical being who also produces stories. Our view as educators and researchers of childhood, question the naturalized presence of audiovisual language in children education, to emphasize the plurality slight of media access currently available to children interaction. It does not claims the inclusion of movies in the curriculum, while knowledge area to be considered as “content” however points the importance of extending the learning in school routine by claiming the process pluralization of learning to complexify language repertoires.


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How to Cite

Berle, S., & Murillo, M. V. (2011). Audiovisual language as school practice. Signo, 36(61), 422-439.