Limits and boundaries in the latin american writing of modernity


  • Marta Eymael Garcia Scherer



Trace or braid considerations about the differences and approaches among poetry and chronicle is what is proposed this essay, which questions the boundaries between different art forms of the same: the writing. The ideas exposed here make you think about the writing of modernity, which transforms and crosses genres, making the boundaries are blurred. In this context, the chronicles have become a transformative space for prose and poetry, which were impregnated with one another, in a movement of mutual absorption of textual and poetic techniques. In developing the essay, we approach theoretical notes to the names of Olavo Bilac, Ruben Darío, Leopoldo Lugones and José Martí - famous for his poetic ability, for their political positions, for their texts. Multiple and artists of writing, they are just some of many names who lived the contradictions of modernity and transformed them into text.


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How to Cite

Scherer, M. E. G. (2011). Limits and boundaries in the latin american writing of modernity. Signo, 36(61), 80-89.