A melancolia, o discurso melancólico e suas relações com a mídia e com o consumo


  • Ernesto Söhnle Jr.




Starting from the strutural revision of the melancholy in Freud, Lacan and their readers, we intend to point out the stylistic echoes of mania in the melancholic speech of Louis-Ferdinand Celine. For this, we confronted the celiniana obligation to cover the emptiness of the real with the entire truth, a peculiar from its maniac style with the shandiana form assumed by Machado maduro, where the melancholic fiction produces paradoxically a know-how/self-satisfaction with the life based in a nonentire truth. In the sequency, we examined the effects of melancholic speech from the invention of the significant depression, abducted by the science speech and articulated by the media over the auspicious from the capitalist speech. That is what confront us with the depression’s ideology, antecipated by the poetic melancholy from the Artificial paradises. However, this civilization’s illusion without discomfort through the hapiness’ policies is able to produce certain narcotics consequences in the social link, that go from the medically toxicomania, compatible with the society’s consume, until the desegregation appetite of the illicit drugs.


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How to Cite

Söhnle Jr., E. (2011). A melancolia, o discurso melancólico e suas relações com a mídia e com o consumo. Signo, 36(61), 422-456. https://doi.org/10.17058/signo.v36i61.2517



Contribuições da literatura à mídia e à psicanálise