Social networks and collaborative production (Wiki) of academics genre: an overview of the web provides


  • Lucas Pazoline Ferreira



Situated on the theme of virtual environments while support of genres, this study aims describe and quantify specific number of virtual social networks for collaborative production and sharing of academic genres. Also be verified as those environments be used tools from the Internet / Web to promote this production. For this, some social networks were cataloged to this study through research into patent directories and search engine Google. The results showed that the more directed to the disclosure and scientific production is lowest the use of various media in the environment and in the materials offered, mostly in PDF (Portable Document File) format; and many relationships in these networks are more directed toward a "follow what others publish" than the realization of groups. As theoretical basis, were used theories of genres Bakhtin (1992), Koch and Elias (2010) and Marcuschi (2008, 2010); about Web 2.0 technologies in O'Reilly (2005); Pierre Lévy (1999) and Their proposal collective intelligence; and Raquel Patrício (2009) in their perspective on the evolution of the Web. Finally, the proposals of Don Tapscott (2010) about a way to understand the Information Society and collaboration today also part of this study.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, L. P. (2013). Social networks and collaborative production (Wiki) of academics genre: an overview of the web provides. Signo, 38(64), 263-276.



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