The interference of the polysemy of the verb fazer in causative sentences: an linguistic and cognitive analysis
The goal of this paper was to investigate if the polysemy of the verb fazer (“to do”) affects the frequency of the causative sentences (analytics and semi-analytics) constructed with this verb, having as theoretical framework the Theoretical Linguistics. In order to do so, we applied the “Chi-square test” and the “contingency coefficient modified”, in order to compare the causative verb fazer (more polysemic) with other causative verbs less polysemic (“to assure”, “to cause”, “to care”, “to prove” and “to provoke”). The statistical and linguistic analysis revealed a mid-association (C * = 0.53231) between the polysemy of the verb fazer and causative sentences, although the polysemy reduces the frequency of the causative constructions with this verb.Downloads
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How to Cite
Milanio, G. A. Q., & Ferreira, W. de A. (2013). The interference of the polysemy of the verb fazer in causative sentences: an linguistic and cognitive analysis. Signo, 38(65), 98-113.
Artigos – vol. 38, nº 65, 2013
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