Field – Football Expressions Dictionary: a lexicographic resource based on the theoretical-methodological approach of frame semantics and corpus linguistics


  • Rove Luiza de Oliveira Chishman Unisinos
  • Aline Nardes dos Santos Unisinos
  • Diego Spader de Souza
  • João Gabriel Padilha



Working Memory. Learning.Psycholinguistics.LanguageAcquisition.


The present article aims at problematizing the relevance of Frame Semantics (Fillmore, 1982) in the development of Field – Dictionary of Football Expressions – which the configuration allows the access to football language through expressions or through scenarios – or semantic frames. Frame Semantics, a theory developed in the realm of Cognitive Linguistics, is based on empirical data collected from the analysis of electronic corpora. The extraction of the data presented in this study was done with the Sketch Engine concordance, while their analysis was relegated to Frame Semantics. Among the results, it is possible to point out at the manner in which Fillmore´s theory contributes to the analysis of polysemy, presenting the different senses of a lexical unit considering different situations – or different frames – in which they appear. This article also emphasizes the pertinence of corpus linguistics and the processing of corpora as resources that allow the analysis of linguistic constructs present in the texts. It is also important to emphasize the applicability of Frame Semantics to a resource devoted to a non-specialized public, once the theory makes the contextualization of language possible through the everyday routine of the speakers.


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How to Cite

Chishman, R. L. de O., Santos, A. N. dos, Souza, D. S. de, & Padilha, J. G. (2014). Field – Football Expressions Dictionary: a lexicographic resource based on the theoretical-methodological approach of frame semantics and corpus linguistics. Signo, 39(67), 25-35.



Dossiê: Métodos em Linguística Cognitiva