Waves of intensity in language learning: Polyglot Alan Bigulov’s project “10 Languages in 1000 days”
The study aims at identifying individual language learning strategies that allow a polyglot to effectively communicate with unfamiliar native speakers on spontaneous topics within a short learning period of 1000 days. The study was conducted from September 2018 up to June 2021 observing Alan Bigulov’s performance (the polyglot from Vladikavkaz, Russia) in the process of learning ten new, typologically different languages. The study theoretical framework was the psycholinguistic expert performance modeling – in this case, the psycholinguistic monitoring of a person, especially effective in the time management of language learning. Methodologically, the study focused on close monitoring of daily video recordings of Alan Bigulov's communication in the target language, weekly correspondence between the researcher's questions and the subject's answers, and respective linguistic analysis of the subject’s evaluative predicates during the whole 1000-day Project. The research main results have elicited the following patterns: consistent focus on one language; three-level model of a spiral entry into a communicative situation; the effectiveness of the super-intensive start; deliberate wave-like variation of classes intensity; the importance of flexible language classes algorithms aimed at avoiding routine and reaching a new intensity level.
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