Psycholinguistic paradigm of biblical damnation in ancient Georgian Historical Documents
Any language as a psycholinguistic entity does not only accumulates in itself the emotional layers but also explores the relevant verbal ways for expressing these emotions. A speech act or a written form is a visible product of this emerging process. Therefore, language is generated as a concurrent processes result. Linguistics increases the psychology extent, describing language phenomenon facts occurring either in oral or written forms. Any of the national languages material has an inherent value reflecting its systematic organization, its expression extent, psychologically stable or paradigmatic patterns, or is subject to common psychological changes occurring in a group of a particular language native speakers. Both oral and written damnation forms should be considered as one of such oldest psycholinguistic proto-paradigms. Special focus will be given to the verbal model of Biblical (particularly, the Old Testament) curse formulae, attested in old Georgian historical documents (IX-XII cc.). Damnation as a psycho-verbal model is supposed to be originating from the mankind earliest existence period, when a human being gained a solid word power understanding, matching it against physical abilities to a certain extent. Damnation as a verbal material has been manifested in written monuments also and its psycho-emotional rationale intended, first and foremost, to instill fear (specifically, fear of God), and to have God-fearing readers. Damnation problem in the literature recent findings are both Biblical and Georgian historical materials (records), revealing the so-called damnation texts particularly meticulous choice: it is a fact that it intends to cause anxiety in readers.
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