Institutionalization of Gastronomy research in Brazil: an analysis of research projects in graduate programs (2004-2020)




Gastronomy, Research projects, Scientific production, Brazil


This exploratory-descriptive research analyzed the evolutionary panorama of the research projects associated with Brazilian Graduate Programs related to Gastronomy research. For this purpose, the Open Data made available by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) on the research projects associated with the professors of Graduate Programs (PPGs) were systematized. Content analysis was the technique used for data treatment. A lexical search was conducted with the terms related to Gastronomy to identify the relevant projects. After analyzing the result of this search, 107 research projects composed the corpus. The following variables were defined from the consolidated database: a) type of project; b) year when the information about the project was collected; c) Higher Education Institution; d) title of the PPG; e) Capes Area and Subarea of knowledge in which the PPG was associated. The variables were treated to present the evolutionary panorama of these projects. Project descriptions were treated a posteriori, generating 11 thematic categories. The results reinforced the inherent multidisciplinarity, thematic, and theoretical-methodological multiplicity and the institutionalization of Gastronomy research in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Rafael Ferro, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

Master and Ph.D. in Hospitality (Universidade Anhembi Morumbi). Degree in Gastronomy/Centro Universitário Senac - Campus Campos do Jordão. Professor and researcher at Universidade Anhembi Morumbi in the Master and Doctoral degrees in Hospitalit. Adjunct Editor of Revista Hospitalidade. CV:  []


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How to Cite

Ferro, R. (2023). Institutionalization of Gastronomy research in Brazil: an analysis of research projects in graduate programs (2004-2020). Ágora, 25(1), 28-44.



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